The Snipe - Education Outdoors Turns This Lore Into A New Game

Posted by: Hunting Network
Filed under: snipecampingfunscouts
Dec 2014

A tale as old as time, passed down from generation to generation, the Snipe is seen as more of an initiation for inexperienced campers, sending them on a "wild-goose chase" for this elusive creature. Education Outdoors brings this legend to reality by creating a game based off the lore.

If your family enjoys spending time in the outdoors camping or if your children are in the scouts, chances are you have heard of the elusive creature of the forest, the Snipe. Traditionally nothing more than a campfire prank, Education Outdoors has transformed the story of the Snipe into a new family game called Snipe Hunt.

Education Outdoors - Snipe Hunt

A tradition passed down through the generations, the Snipe Hunt originated as a tall tale told by parents and teens to younger children. Inexperienced campers are told about a bird or animal called the Snipe and the usually preposterous method of catching it, such as running around the woods carrying a bag or making strange noises such as banging rocks together. As children set off in search of the Snipe, their elders take in the antics and try to contain their laughter.

A twist on this fruitless quest, Snipe Hunt is an indoor or outdoor game of hide-and-seek where players try to be the first to find their opponent’s Snipe and return it to its nest. To play, the teams choose an area that will be the Snipe nest and two areas to hide their Snipes.

Each team turns their Snipe on and disappears to find the best hiding place for them. In five minutes the Snipes will begin chirping and their eyes will start flashing red so teams must hurry to get back to the nest before they giveaway the direction their Snipe is hiding. Once both Snipes are hidden, the hunt begins! The first team to return their opponents Snipe to the nest is the winner.

Each game comes with two snipes, (named Biela and Smartin) and a Snipe nest. The packaging tells the story behind the legendary campfire animals. For more information on the game, including rules, visit Snipe Hunt retails for $24.99 and can be purchased at Bass Pro Shops, Cabelas, Books a Million stores and specialty retailers nationwide.

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